Mass Schedule
Weekdays (Mon-Fr)
7 am and 12:10 pm
Mass: 8 am
Anticipatory Mass: 5 pm
7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am, and 4:30 pm
Recent OLP News
A favorite Lenten Tradition. . . fish dinners!
Baked fish, fried fish, pierogi, macaroni and cheese and more
Gannon University Students for Life invite you to . .
Navigating the Pro-Life Issue in Today's World on March 15th
Next Weekend February 15th/16th launches the Catholic Services Appeal for 2025
One Faith, One Family
We are blessed to welcome you to our church whether you are just passing through or looking for a place to call "home."
We believe that prayer is an important part of how we live out our faith and want to support you and what is going on in your life in prayer. We are here for you!
Join us for Mass. Mass truly is "the one hour to peace." A peace that comes only from God. So join us and encounter God in the beauty of the Mass, in the smile of the people, the welcome of the staff and the joy of the music. We are so glad you are here.

Click here to see how OLP is celebrating the 2025 Jubilee Year
Lent is an invitation to change our focus. It's a 40-day period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It's an invitation to take your spiritual life seriously, to form life-giving habits and abandon self-destructive habits. It's a time to prepare our hearts to discover anew the abundant life Jesus invites us to at Easter.
Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday at 7:00pm. On March 14th, students from OLP school will present "Living Stations" at 7:00pm.
Our Lenten Series "Walking with the American Saints" will take place in the church from 7:00-8:00pm on Tuesdays: March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8.
Celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph at our annual St. Joseph Table Dinner in the school cafeteria at 6:00pm. This includes a short prayer service and meatless meal. In the tradition of the "table" all are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items or monetary donations for the West Millcreek Food Pantry.
24 Hours for the Lord is back this year at St. Peter Cathedral. Adoration and confession will be available beginning at 5:45pm on Friday, March 28th through 3:30pm on Saturday, March 29th.
Confession Schedule for Lent: Wednesdays from 11:15am-Noon, Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm (before Stations of the Cross), Saturdays from 8:30-9:00am and 3:45-4:45pm as well as after all masses on Sundays.
Click here to see the Scripture Readings of the Day
Check out our videos of Sunday Mass
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